Wednesday, October 31, 2012

To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate... Not a Question for Me

So this is probably going to annoy some of you out there, and that's fine. I truly believe that everyone has the right to make these decisions for themselves as long as they are informed decisions and not just based on the current hype.

I am taking Crazy 3 for his 6 month vaccinations today. I have no issue with this. I am totally anal retentive when it comes to scheduling my children's immunizations. All of them have been done within a couple days of them reaching their milestones.

I personally believe that the pros of having vaccinations far out weigh the cons. The fewer people that vaccinate, the more chance that epidemics can ensue. I do realize that there are valid reasons for not getting vaccinated, I also realize that it is a personal preference, but I also do believe that people are swayed by what they hear and read and it is not always informed.

I looked into the 'toxins' that are present in the immunizations we receive here in Canada and I was OK with the levels and the products that are used. I personally believe that by not immunizing my children, I am contributing to the problem, not the solution.

I know that Crazy 3 will be unhappy with me, I know that he will cry, but I also know that he will get over it as soon as he starts to nurse and that it will hopefully prevent a major illness from happening in the future. This is just my two cents, it is a free country and you can choose as you see fit.

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