Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lack of Sleep = Lack of Blogging

You would think that after having 3 babies in just over 4 years I would be used to not having enough sleep. Fact is, I am not.

When we just had Crazy 1 we were lucky. She slept the night at 6 weeks. Not sure what I did to deserve this, but it was great.

Then came Crazy 2. He only started sleeping the night consistently about a month before his 2nd birthday, that would also be the month before Crazy 3 arrived.

Now we are dealing with Crazy 3. I will give him a little break right now because he just finished a growl spurt and now is fighting a cold, but he still wakes up 2 or 3 times a night. With this cold it has become more like 5 or he's just up around 2:30 AM and never really goes back to sleep. It is truly insane.

I will state right now that is the reason for my lack of blogging. Lack of sleep has taken away any motivation for me to do anything short of the bare necessities. It was so bad last Friday I had planned on bribing Crazy 1 with my tablet so I could take a nap while both Crazy 2 and 3 were having their naps. That didn't work out so well as they both decided not to nap that day. By 5:00 when The Husband got home, I truly believe that my body was starting to shut down on me. I went to bed that night at 6:15 PM, The Husband put Crazy 1 and 2 to bed and dealt with Crazy 3 all night. I slept until 4:00 AM when Crazy 3 woke up to eat and then went back to sleep until 5:30 AM when he decided to get up for the day.

This lack of sleep has also made me become a bit distracted. This morning Crazy 3 actually crawled off the edge of our bed at 5:30 AM. I brought him to bed at 5:00 AM to nurse him and I actually fell asleep. Like really asleep where I was having a dream and all. Both The Husband and I woke up startled at 5:30 AM to a big crash, boom and then a huge wail of a cry. Crazy 3 is fine. Not the first baby in the world (or of mine) to have done this I am sure. At least there were no injuries.

My plan of attack is to start to go to bed a bit earlier to hopefully offset these bad nights. We'll see how well that works out for me.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Bully in the Making?

I was reading something an acquaintance wrote about her 5 year old daughter that is in kindergarten on Facebook and there was a lot about it that bothered me.

First, the post was about how her daughter punched a boy for making fun of her and calling her a boy.

Second, the fact that so many people liked her post and the comments were all very, let's say encouraging that the right thing was done.

Let's step back a moment. No matter the reason, no matter the sex of the child, whoever hits first is at fault in my opinion. By the time children are attending school, they should know that it is wrong to hit others. On the other hand, if my child were to get hit first then I am all for them hitting back. I do believe that people, child or adult, do have the right to defend themselves with the same force that they are attacked with.

Next is the whole girl/boy issue. We teach our boys that they shouldn't hit girls, we are the fairer sex. Well in my honest opinion if a girl hits a boy first, then power to the boy to hit her back. I know a lot of you out there will think that this is wrong, boys should never hit girls. I say too bad, so sad. If you are going to let your girls hit boys for teasing them, then they should be prepared to be hit back, especially when they are in the lower grades of school(K-4).

My biggest issue is with the adults. It almost sounded like my acquaintance was proud that her daughter punched a boy because she was teased. Then there are all the comments, coming from adults, about how it served them right, and awesome, and she did the right thing. Since when is it the right thing to hit someone for teasing you. Since when does it serve them right to be punched for saying something. I am actually a little disgusted with the fact that people are enabling and encouraging this kind of behaviour in a 5 year old girl.

We as a society talk about how bullying is such a problem in our schools. We talk about educating our children to know better and to act better. We have discipline systems in our school to teach respect and to talk about problems, not physically fight. We need to start educating our children at home, teach them right and wrong, teach them to use words and when it is appropriate to seek assistance from an adult. We have to be on the same page as our educators and our schools.

We also have to stop bullying where it starts, which is in our homes. We have to stop behaviour before it gets out of hand. We have to discipline, not enable and encourage when the behaviour has crossed the line.

I do hope that this little girl does not become one of the bullies, I do hope that there was some discipline involved and not just praise of her actions.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Problem with Costco

Today The Husband and I decided to go to Costco with all three crazies in tow. Crazy 3 is easy, he is still in the bucket seat and cannot get out. Crazy 1 and Crazy 2 are both too big for the 'seats' in the cart so they have to walk. Most of the time they are pretty good at staying with us and the cart, but occasionally they stray.

My problem with this is two fold.
1. The carts are higher than normal carts so when I have Crazy 1 in his bucket on the seat, I can barely see over top.
2. The aisles where they clothing, books and seasonal are (the middle of the store) are narrow and you can barely pass another cart.

Both of these issues cause problems when you are trying to keep tabs on an almost 5 year old and an almost 3 year old.

This is not something that will cause me never to shop at Costco again, as I do enjoy the money I save buying items in bulk. I am sure as the crazies get older, I will find even more value in this. I also do understand why the carts are higher and bigger. It is so you can buy more. I know I always spend more than anticipated when I go.

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Two Year Old Pain in the Back

On Monday I was reaching up to the microwave to get a muffin out that I had thawed when all of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my back. Right under my shoulder blade. The pain was so severe I couldn't move for like 10 minutes at all, then I lay on the floor, flat on my back for another 10 minutes before I could actually bear to move.

I have never had back issues before in my life. Not even with any of my pregnancies. It sucked. Thankfully The Husband was still home, we had Robaxacet in the house and my mom is retired and could come help with Crazy 2 and Crazy 3.

I went to the doctor that morning and the first thing the doctor asked me when he came in and found out the pain was in the muscle under my shoulder blade was if I had a 2 year old. My response was "As a matter of fact, I do." He informed me that this was a very common injury in mothers of two year olds. I most likely did some damage a few days prior to the pain starting by lifting Crazy 2 or twisting to buckle him in somewhere.

The funniest part of the whole thing is the remedy. I was told to take Robaxacet as needed, heat the injured area and to take it easy for a few days until the pain goes away. The reason I find this funny is because it is impossible to 'Take it easy' when you have 3 children under the age of 5.

I have done what I can to make my life a little easier. The Husband has been helping with laundry and dishes. I refuse to lift either Crazy 1 or Crazy 2. The issue is more with Crazy 3. I am still nursing him and his mobility is still somewhat limited to army crawling around the living room. I still have to carry him up the stairs, I still have to hold him and nurse him. I still have to get up in the middle of the night and lift him out of his crib.

So here I am, going on day 5 of back pain. Robaxacet is my new best friend. The tensored heating pad I wear to heat my back has become an accessory to my attire. Our water bill will most likely be sky high from me just standing in the shower to run hot water over my back. At least with every day the pain is lessening and I can look forward to tomorrow being Saturday and I can press The Husband into being my slave for two days.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Afternoon at the Movies

The Husband and I took all of the Crazies to a movie this afternoon. Surprisingly, all three did really well. We saw Rise of the Guardians and did enjoy it a lot.

The reason for my post is how expensive it is to take our family out to the movies and we only pay for ourselves and Crazy 1 right now. We even get the pass deals at Costco before hand and still it was almost $50.

Not that I think going to the movies should be a weekly event, it should be a treat for the kids, but I still think it should be a little more affordable. I know they still have cheap Tuesdays at some theatres, but I remember when going to a matinee was cheaper as well. Now there is no difference.

I am just glad that we had a good time, the crazies behaved and now we know that this is an option for something to do once in awhile. One more thing tried and accomplished with our family of 5.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Age of Distraction

I believe that in todays day and age, there are too many distractions that take away from home life in general. We live in an age where everything is available 24/7 and down time and family time come in second place.

I am completely guilty of this as I sit here at my computer and blog while Crazy 1 is at kindergarten, Crazy 3 is sleeping and Crazy 2 is watching a Dora movie I bribed him with so I can sit and do this. What I should be doing is the dishes in the sink, or laundry or just playing with Crazy 2 while we have some one on one time available.

I am finding more and more that I am more concerned with sitting down and watching a movie or the shows I PVR regularly than I am with getting the house organized once the crazies are in bed. I talk the talk about wanting the perfect house; tidy and organized, but I definitely am lacking in walking the walk.

I blog, I am addicted to Facebook, I watch too much TV at night. After the crazies are in bed, I should take the time to get more housekeeping done, to exercise, to take me time and read a good book. The pull and the distraction of everything digital gets me every time though.

I am truly debating picking one night a week to be unplugged. No TV, no phone, no computer, no tablet. Make a list of things to get done and do them. The list can even include time to read, or play cards with The Husband.

With all this distraction, and my lack of progress on getting things done around the house, I am starting to feel somewhat defeated. I also feel guilty and then I start to take those feelings out on The Husband by expecting more of him (that whole conversation will be in a future blog). Fair is fair though, my job and responsibility are the crazies and the house and I need to come up with a plan that can better accomplish some family and household goals instead of just living with things the way they are.

I will sign off now, first step is to tackle those dishes!

Monday, January 7, 2013

SAHM Uniform

I believe that I have finally succumbed to the standard Stay-At-Home-Mom Uniform. It seems lately that all I wear is yoga pants and T-shirts or nursing shirts.

If I have to go somewhere a little fancy, I do have one pair of jeans and a couple of nicer shirts to choose from but I would say that 6 days out of 7 in a week, I wear the uniform.

I was talking to The Husband about this earlier today. It was kind of a shock to think that just 5 short years ago I had a closet full of dress pants, skirts and blouses. Now I have a closet full of nursing shirts and yoga pants. I guess I would just rather dress for comfort and speed instead of style now.

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Years Resolution 2013

Along with the regular exercise more, eat healthier and try to lose weight resolution I make every year (and never seem to keep), I decided to make one other resolution. This ones is around my parenting.

I have decided to not use the word NO as much with my children. This doesn't mean that my crazies will be allowed run wild, there will still be rules and boundaries, but I think the actual word NO is used too much in my house and tends to be ignored.

If Crazy 1 asks for a snack 15 minutes before dinner, instead of saying 'No, dinner will be ready soon.' I am going to try to just say 'Dinner will be ready soon, you can eat then.'

If Crazy 2 is too loud when I am trying to get Crazy 3 down for a nap, instead of saying 'No, you are being too loud.' I am going to try to just say 'You are being too loud, I am trying to get the baby to sleep.'

It seems like such a simple thing, but let me tell you, it is a very hard thing. Anything that is against the rules, or dangerous, or not smart starts with a NO in the response. It takes a lot of self control to not use NO and just explain things.

I can already tell you it's worth it though. So far in the past few days, Crazy 1 has talked back less to me and is more willing to understand reasons now that I am taking the time to explain versus just saying NO. I hope this will lead to a little less stress and frustration around our home.