Friday, January 18, 2013

My Two Year Old Pain in the Back

On Monday I was reaching up to the microwave to get a muffin out that I had thawed when all of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my back. Right under my shoulder blade. The pain was so severe I couldn't move for like 10 minutes at all, then I lay on the floor, flat on my back for another 10 minutes before I could actually bear to move.

I have never had back issues before in my life. Not even with any of my pregnancies. It sucked. Thankfully The Husband was still home, we had Robaxacet in the house and my mom is retired and could come help with Crazy 2 and Crazy 3.

I went to the doctor that morning and the first thing the doctor asked me when he came in and found out the pain was in the muscle under my shoulder blade was if I had a 2 year old. My response was "As a matter of fact, I do." He informed me that this was a very common injury in mothers of two year olds. I most likely did some damage a few days prior to the pain starting by lifting Crazy 2 or twisting to buckle him in somewhere.

The funniest part of the whole thing is the remedy. I was told to take Robaxacet as needed, heat the injured area and to take it easy for a few days until the pain goes away. The reason I find this funny is because it is impossible to 'Take it easy' when you have 3 children under the age of 5.

I have done what I can to make my life a little easier. The Husband has been helping with laundry and dishes. I refuse to lift either Crazy 1 or Crazy 2. The issue is more with Crazy 3. I am still nursing him and his mobility is still somewhat limited to army crawling around the living room. I still have to carry him up the stairs, I still have to hold him and nurse him. I still have to get up in the middle of the night and lift him out of his crib.

So here I am, going on day 5 of back pain. Robaxacet is my new best friend. The tensored heating pad I wear to heat my back has become an accessory to my attire. Our water bill will most likely be sky high from me just standing in the shower to run hot water over my back. At least with every day the pain is lessening and I can look forward to tomorrow being Saturday and I can press The Husband into being my slave for two days.

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