Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lack of Sleep = Lack of Blogging

You would think that after having 3 babies in just over 4 years I would be used to not having enough sleep. Fact is, I am not.

When we just had Crazy 1 we were lucky. She slept the night at 6 weeks. Not sure what I did to deserve this, but it was great.

Then came Crazy 2. He only started sleeping the night consistently about a month before his 2nd birthday, that would also be the month before Crazy 3 arrived.

Now we are dealing with Crazy 3. I will give him a little break right now because he just finished a growl spurt and now is fighting a cold, but he still wakes up 2 or 3 times a night. With this cold it has become more like 5 or he's just up around 2:30 AM and never really goes back to sleep. It is truly insane.

I will state right now that is the reason for my lack of blogging. Lack of sleep has taken away any motivation for me to do anything short of the bare necessities. It was so bad last Friday I had planned on bribing Crazy 1 with my tablet so I could take a nap while both Crazy 2 and 3 were having their naps. That didn't work out so well as they both decided not to nap that day. By 5:00 when The Husband got home, I truly believe that my body was starting to shut down on me. I went to bed that night at 6:15 PM, The Husband put Crazy 1 and 2 to bed and dealt with Crazy 3 all night. I slept until 4:00 AM when Crazy 3 woke up to eat and then went back to sleep until 5:30 AM when he decided to get up for the day.

This lack of sleep has also made me become a bit distracted. This morning Crazy 3 actually crawled off the edge of our bed at 5:30 AM. I brought him to bed at 5:00 AM to nurse him and I actually fell asleep. Like really asleep where I was having a dream and all. Both The Husband and I woke up startled at 5:30 AM to a big crash, boom and then a huge wail of a cry. Crazy 3 is fine. Not the first baby in the world (or of mine) to have done this I am sure. At least there were no injuries.

My plan of attack is to start to go to bed a bit earlier to hopefully offset these bad nights. We'll see how well that works out for me.

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