Friday, January 11, 2013

Age of Distraction

I believe that in todays day and age, there are too many distractions that take away from home life in general. We live in an age where everything is available 24/7 and down time and family time come in second place.

I am completely guilty of this as I sit here at my computer and blog while Crazy 1 is at kindergarten, Crazy 3 is sleeping and Crazy 2 is watching a Dora movie I bribed him with so I can sit and do this. What I should be doing is the dishes in the sink, or laundry or just playing with Crazy 2 while we have some one on one time available.

I am finding more and more that I am more concerned with sitting down and watching a movie or the shows I PVR regularly than I am with getting the house organized once the crazies are in bed. I talk the talk about wanting the perfect house; tidy and organized, but I definitely am lacking in walking the walk.

I blog, I am addicted to Facebook, I watch too much TV at night. After the crazies are in bed, I should take the time to get more housekeeping done, to exercise, to take me time and read a good book. The pull and the distraction of everything digital gets me every time though.

I am truly debating picking one night a week to be unplugged. No TV, no phone, no computer, no tablet. Make a list of things to get done and do them. The list can even include time to read, or play cards with The Husband.

With all this distraction, and my lack of progress on getting things done around the house, I am starting to feel somewhat defeated. I also feel guilty and then I start to take those feelings out on The Husband by expecting more of him (that whole conversation will be in a future blog). Fair is fair though, my job and responsibility are the crazies and the house and I need to come up with a plan that can better accomplish some family and household goals instead of just living with things the way they are.

I will sign off now, first step is to tackle those dishes!

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