Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Problem with Costco

Today The Husband and I decided to go to Costco with all three crazies in tow. Crazy 3 is easy, he is still in the bucket seat and cannot get out. Crazy 1 and Crazy 2 are both too big for the 'seats' in the cart so they have to walk. Most of the time they are pretty good at staying with us and the cart, but occasionally they stray.

My problem with this is two fold.
1. The carts are higher than normal carts so when I have Crazy 1 in his bucket on the seat, I can barely see over top.
2. The aisles where they clothing, books and seasonal are (the middle of the store) are narrow and you can barely pass another cart.

Both of these issues cause problems when you are trying to keep tabs on an almost 5 year old and an almost 3 year old.

This is not something that will cause me never to shop at Costco again, as I do enjoy the money I save buying items in bulk. I am sure as the crazies get older, I will find even more value in this. I also do understand why the carts are higher and bigger. It is so you can buy more. I know I always spend more than anticipated when I go.

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