Saturday, October 13, 2012

Does the early bird really get the worm?

All of my crazies are early risers and all of them since birth. They go through phases occasionally of sleeping until 7:00 AM and when that happens it's like the angels are singing praises from above! I feel like a million dollars if my clock has a seven as the first number when awoken by one of the children.

This morning was no different. Crazy 3 decided at 4:30 AM he needed to be fed and refused to go back into his crib, which meant he stayed in bed with me. Crazy 2 woke up at 5:45 AM, but The Husband got up with him and shut our bedroom door hoping to allow me to get some extra sleep. Alas, that was not to be, Crazy 1 came in around 6:15 AM to let me know she couldn't sleep. That was when Crazy 3 decided to rouse as well. All in all, I managed to stay in bed until around 6:45 AM. Notice the clock did not have a seven at the beginning.

I don't believe that by getting up early I am any more productive than if I could sleep until 7:00 AM. I actually think that I am lazier and lacking in motivation due to lack of sleep. I don't think I am being greedy in wanting to sleep just a little bit, I don't think it's greedy to expect that with three kids I could maybe sleep until 7:00 AM. If I wanted to sleep until 10:00 AM then fine, I deserve my fate for having 3 little ones.

I say this now, but I am sure that when they are teens and are all trying to sleep until noon, my story will be the complete opposite of now. Only time will tell I guess.

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