Friday, October 26, 2012

Freedom... Sort of

I think it's funny that the minute I only have 2 of my 3 crazies for an extended period of time that I have more freedom. It's not really true, but it feels like it is.

Last night, Crazy 1 got to spend the night at Grammy and Grandpa's house as a treat. She went over around 2:00 in the afternoon and will be home sometime this morning.

I called The Husband and suggested we go out for dinner, something special for Crazy 2 as he missed his sister. I then planned on hitting up Walmart and the bank because now I have so much more freedom.

Well, I must say that even with just the two crazies, it still took us 2 hours to have dinner, I ran to the bank only because it was in the same parking lot as the restaurant, and Walmart will have to wait for another day. My thought that we had more freedom didn't really relate to how much time we had.

The problem is when I only have Crazy 3 (which happens twice a week for 2 hours), I can get amazing things accomplished. I assumed with just Crazy 2 and Crazy 3, I could still get something accomplished. At least these lapses in judgement don't happen often. If they did I would feel defeated most of the time.

I did miss Crazy 1, and look forward to her coming home this morning, and the knowledge that if I'm lucky, one task might get crossed off my list as things are back to normal.

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