Monday, October 29, 2012

Fundraising Blues

I have come to the conclusion that fundraising is not optional now that Crazy 1 is in kindergarten. It is mandatory and it seems never ending.

In September she came home with Student Union Ticket Packs. We bought one of course, because really, it pays for itself with just the grocery coupons, let alone anything else we use.

Now she has a brochure for Dieleman Fundraising Sales. It is a bunch of cards, gift wrap, calendars and gift items. Not really anything of use to me. I am sure we'll find something, but only because I feel obligated.

I really wish there were ways for better fundraising. While watching Dragon's Den the other night we saw an amazing idea. The idea was that you buy a lot of your regular grocery and personal items through a website that is linked up to your school for fundraising. What an amazing idea! The site is called Wealthy School Revolution and is based in Vancouver. As of right now it is not available here, but it will be soon according to the website.

The other, more practical, fundraising that I just heard about is for my niece. They are collecting Canadian Tire money and the company is going to convert it to real money and donate it to the band program at her school.

I am going to be attending the next Fundraising Council meeting and will provide them with these two ideas. I don't mind giving money to the school, but I would prefer it be in a fashion that is more practical for me. Hopefully one of these two ideas can pan out.

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