Saturday, November 17, 2012

Where Are Your Manners?

So, lately, I have been having some issues with Crazy 1 and her manners. It seems she has forgotten all that I have tried to teach her about saying Please and Thank You, but Excuse Me is still in use for appropriate situations.

It is hard for me because I am in the middle of getting Crazy 2 to understand about this and when Crazy 1 chooses to ignore it, then Crazy 2 follows suit.

The other hard part is when we are out in public, like at the mall, and it's busy. I get so annoyed when adults bump my stroller, or cut me off from the rest of my family with no I'm Sorry, no Excuse Me, they just go about their own business like we don't even exist.

How am I supposed to teach my own children the value and importance of manners when out in the world having manners is becoming obsolete. As a parent, it is my job to teach them, to have them learn by example, but I still believe that it takes a village and that society has a certain responsibility as well. We should all be more respectful so that future generations can be as well.

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