Monday, December 17, 2012

Untitled Rant 1

Not sure what to call this one.

I am annoyed. It seems like ever since I got pregnant with Crazy 3 my friendships have changed.

Some people gave up on me when I was actually pregnant, some people after I had Crazy 3, and some people lip service but are not really there.

I do believe that friendship is a two way street, and I'll admit that with three kids under five it's a little hard for me to always make the call or the playdate. I know that in some instances I am to blame as well, I have no doubt.

I do believe that one of my 'friends' is no longer really speaking to me at all unless there is a group of us girls getting together. She has changed in the past few years and her interests are quite different from mine, almost complete opposite now. I also believe there might be a little bit of resentment as she always wanted lots of children, but she and her husband decided to quit after two.

The other issue is with another group of 'friends'. I have often felt like a tag along with this group as I became part of it due to a family relationship. They have always assured me that was not the case, that I was their friend just as much as my family member. Since Crazy 3 has been born, I have not been invited to events, both with the kids and without. This issue could be more around the fact that the other kids are starting to get older and I still have babies.

Overall I am starting to believe that I need to look closer at my relationships and decide who will actually be there for me. There are a lot of times that I feel like I am totally alone and have no one except The Husband to talk to. That is not fair to him, he has enough stress worrying about financial responsibilities for the family, he doesn't need to worry about my mental and emotional stability.

Here is to finding new friends and renewing connections to old ones, ones that will enhance my life and give me motivation, not bring me down!

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